about my art and other things in life

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

sense for details

Parts of the artist Anne Lange´s home
in Slöinge was open this summer for
vintage and garden thrifting.
And gee
this woman has a sense for details!!
I just adore her husband´s and her
big home Prästgården 101 (an old rectory)
and the mix
of arts, new and old things.


My contribution to photochallenge at ingenvanligdag.

Here a few pictures from Anne´s wonderfully artistic home. I just love it!

Some nice art in Anne´s garden. Here sculptures by Noah Ljungberg.

A face on an easel makes a nice feature in the garden.

Lanters hung in the trees along the path.

So cool in the backyard.

A few details from Anne´s lovely artist studio.

1 comment:

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Kristiina! Lots of eye candy and peaks into another world. Thanks!
